How To Add A Secondary Axis In Excel 2008 For Mac
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For this purpose, Excel lets you add a series of data to a chart and plot it on a second y-axis. HERE
secondary axis excel
With that selected, click Format Selection (also in the Current Selection group).. Adding a Series It isn't hard to add a second series to a chart Click the chart. HERE
secondary axis excel mac
In the Format Data Series dialogue box, select the Series Options tab Under Plot Series On, select the Secondary Axis option, then click 'Close' to finish.. Adding a Second Y-Axis Your new series may not be measured with the same range of numbers as the old one. Click
secondary axis excel chart
Pysolo software for mac download To make the chart look better, you can plot the new series on a differently scaled y-axis.. For either one, you can click inside the box and then select the appropriate cell or cells on the spreadsheet, rather than manually typing them in. e828bfe731 HERE
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Sometimes, it is useful and informative to plot two different sets of data on the same chart, even though they may have very different values.. Click the chart and select the Format tab In the Current Selection group, click the arrow by Chart Elements and select the new series from the list that pops up.. How do I create or add a secondary vertical axis to my charts in Excel 2008 for Mac?Series A simple chart consists of an x-axis and a y-axis, with the x-axis representing the various rows or columns of the selected area of your spreadsheet and the y-axis representing the values in the cells.. The Select Data Source dialogue box will pop up Under Legend Entries, click Add.. This will cause the chart tools to display Next, click the Design tab and click Select Data, under the Data group. HERE